Новости КАЗГЮУ

KAZGUU English Week

Within the framework of « KAZGUU English Week» we launched a contest of expressive poetry reading in English among grades 5-9 in order to introduce students with English poetry and develop public speaking skills, which is directly related to the mission of our school;
- develop students' creative abilities;
- contribute to a deeper mastery of the English language;
- increase motivation to learn English;
- to foster respect for the culture of the countries of the language being studied;
- develop public speaking skills.

The participants of the “English Poems" contest were evaluated according to the following criteria:
1) Intonational expressiveness (dynamics expressed in accents, tempo, rhythm, pauses, emotional coloring of speech)
2) Correct pronunciation
3) The use of expressive means (facial expressions, gestures, poses, movement)
4) Knowledge of the text + volume
1) "For the interest shown",
2) "For artistry", "For active participation",
3) 1,2, 3 prizes

We express our gratitude to all participants of the contest and look forward to them next year!