Round table at Kazguu school "Business education for children"
Today, business education has become compulsory for anyone who would like to succeed in the modern world.
KAZGUU SCHOOL is always open for cooperation, interaction, exchange of experience.
The headliners of the round table were:
Chairman of the council of businesswomen Nur-Sultan Samidin Saule Samidinkyzy Sengirbekova Layila Sultankyzy – Member of the Board of Directors of the seventh TV channel Baybachenova Karlygash Amantayevna - Director of DaraArt LLP, Nur-Sultan Ablayeva Kalamkas Ablaevna – Director of Nur-Sultan restaurants Aidarkhanova Kulparshin Alpysbayevna - Chairman of the Council of Businesswomen of Aktobe region and many others.